Estudio de caso


 A case Study.Multiple fibrosis (male 15 years old)[1]

            By Sandra Patricia Gómez[2](Col) [3]



We present here, the case of a student who has been advised or guided by her colleague Sandra Patricia Gómez who is a special educator who works with students in different situations of disability and / or Differential educational Needs in a school in Bogotá (Colombia).This student will be identified with the initials JML, he is a boy of 15 years old, he is currently studying the sixth grade of basic secondary education at CAF College in Bogotá (which implies being in an irregular  situation due to exceeding the two-year rule above the average age expected in this grade).He studies like all other students in virtual mode due to the global situation of Pandemic. This student has been diagnosed with multiple fibrosis, [disease characterized by "the excess development of fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue as a consequence of a reparative or reactive process, as opposed to the formation of fibrous tissue as a normal constituent of an organ or tissue. ”




The school's educational inclusion department, asked the mother to request the pertinent neuropsychological evaluations, thus determining an intellectual deficit associated with a history of fibrosis. Family support (mainly mother and younger brother) has been decisive in their adequate adaptation to the school environment, responding to the requirements and advice of the professional in charge of specialized pedagogical support, manifested in curricular adaptations, constant motivation and school reinforcement in specific areas of written expression and written comprehension mainly since the student has a good level of oral comprehension and expression.



J.M.L is a male, currently five (15) years old, who entered school at third grade showing many challenges to socialize and understand the activities of the grade in which he was.

Under the inclusion program, the mother was asked for consent to make the pertinent neuropsychological assessments, thus determining an intellectual deficit associated with a history of fibrosis.

His parents were very receptive, even today they have overcome the challenge of understanding and assuming the diversity of their son, and pursuing therapies.

The mother is the one who supports the performance of activities and is aware of establishing routines so that her child develops maximum independence. Every time the family has been requested, it participates judiciously and supports the processes.

Inclusion has supported them in understanding diversity and in generating achievable goals and objectives in the understanding that people with disabilities are still in limbo when it comes to inclusive education at a technical, technological and even more professional levels.


J.M.L’s Mother Testimony

My name is L.C. I am J.M.L's mother, a 6th grade learner from C.A.F College. J.M.L was born in Bogotá (Col) in  2005. The transformation of J.M.L in her history as a school pupil practically begins from the third grade when he entered the CAF school. The teacher discovered signs of a disability on J.M.L and suggested counseling with Neuro pediatrics, who informed us that J.M.L was with  a “multiple fibromatosis”. There are freckled spots on his body that we thought were not normal, but never thought it was fibromatosis. Today J.M.L has support from psychology, occupational therapy, speech therapy and inclusion in school.

 The transition challenges we have experienced are: learning to know J.M.C's disease and difficulties in order to overcome these challenges to help him to be a normal child. Those have been the challenges that we take on as a family, to be able to help him accompany him and to be able to move forward so that he can develop a normal career in the future, as other children with zero disabilities can develop, that is what we as parents have focused on for J.M.L.



Recommendations from the perspective of School Guidance Department: (Synapse Project): To develop academic work based on the curricular integration by stories that allows the articulation of several compulsory academic areas and evaluated from the four communication skills according to the approaches of the Universal Learning Design (U.L.D)




Enciclopedia Médica. Fibrosis quística [Entrada en un Blog]Available in



Sinapsis Método Pedagógico pedagógicas. [Entrada en un Blog] Available in


[2] Sandra P Gómez is  Bachelor of Special Education,Specialist in special education, therapeutic pedagogy

Specialist in special education augmentative and alternative communication and Mg in Education


[3]  Translation from Amilkar A. Brunal .Style review from Max Sefotho. Amilkar A. Brunal (Col), is a psychologist who graduated from the "Konrad Lorenz" University of Bogotá, specializing in Educational Orientation and Human Development from the "El Bosque" University of Bogotá (2001). He also holds a master's degree in Interdisciplinary Social Research from “Francisco José de Caldas District University (2008).  amilkarbrunal@gmail.com



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